// Creates a new file and add it to our list jQuery(document).ready(function($) { function ui_multi_add_file(id, file) { var template = $('#files-template').text(); template = template.replace('%%filename%%', file.name); template = $(template); template.prop('id', 'uploaderFile' + id); template.data('file-id', id); $('#files').find('li.empty').fadeOut(); // remove the 'no files yet' $('#files').prepend(template); } // Changes the status messages on our list function ui_multi_update_file_status(id, status, message) { $('#uploaderFile' + id).find('span').html(message).prop('class', 'status text-' + status); } // Updates a file progress, depending on the parameters it may animate it or change the color. function ui_multi_update_file_progress(id, percent, color, active) { color = (typeof color === 'undefined' ? false : color); active = (typeof active === 'undefined' ? true : active); var bar = $('#uploaderFile' + id).find('div.progress-bar'); bar.width(percent + '%').attr('aria-valuenow', percent); bar.toggleClass('progress-bar-striped progress-bar-animated', active); if (percent === 0){ bar.html(''); } else { bar.html(percent + '%'); } if (color !== false){ bar.removeClass('bg-success bg-info bg-warning bg-danger'); bar.addClass('bg-' + color); } } // Toggles the disabled status of Star/Cancel buttons on one particual file function ui_multi_update_file_controls(id, start, cancel, wasError) { wasError = (typeof wasError === 'undefined' ? false : wasError); $('#uploaderFile' + id).find('button.start').prop('disabled', !start); $('#uploaderFile' + id).find('button.cancel').prop('disabled', !cancel); if (!start && !cancel) { $('#uploaderFile' + id).find('.controls').fadeOut(); } else { $('#uploaderFile' + id).find('.controls').fadeIn(); } if (wasError) { $('#uploaderFile' + id).find('button.start').html('Retry'); } } });

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